Valencian translator
There are many people nowadays who think that translation is a simple job that can be done by anyone who masters the languages involved. However, translation involves much more than simply substituting certain words for others. It is true that Google Translator offers a quick solution in times of need. No one, however, would consider translating their company's web pages and texts with that service. The results, far from being the best, would stand out in their awkwardness.
In order to translate well, you must know the text's source language and its target language to perfection. What does this entail? You must know the grammar and spelling rules, and you must have a thorough understanding of the lexicons in both languages. While understanding the exact message communicated in the original text, you must also be able to choose the correct words to convey this same message in the text of the target language. Moving the essence and nuances of a message in its original language to another language is what distinguishes the work from a sworn translator from any other who is not.
We translate Valencian into Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, English and all languages.
The sworn translators who work for our translation company achieve that end for our clients. We translate from Valencian into Spanish, French, Portuguese, German and, of course, English. Always being faithful to the original message our client intends to communicate with his text. Producing natural texts, well built and with an ready to transmit the original message with the same nuances.
To be able to achieve this, it is needed a good knowledge of both Valencian and the other languages, we have area specialized translators in each language. We also collect information about the subject of each text. Because translating a text on mechanics or international trade without a prior exhaustive work of documentation will never produce a translation faithful to the original text.
Looking for a professional Valencian translator?
Nexus Tranducciones is atranslation agencylocated in Valencia that offers a wide variety of professional translation services from Valencian language to any other language and vice versa. Official sworn translations ensure the faithfulness of the text with the original, something necessary for the legal use of them. For example, birth certificates, marriage certificates, university degrees or any other type of certificate or document.
If you need the professional services of a translation company do not hesitate contacting us, we will provide you with a quote without any obligation. Ask about any services you may want from our agency. Our professionals are responsible for sworn translations and dubbing, transcriptions, subtitles and voice-overs. We palso provide an excellent layout service and localization, thanks to our localization service.
Looking for a sworn Valencian translator?
Currently, there are no sworn translators of Valencian, what the ones that exist are sworn translators of Catalan. In any case, the Valencian's sworn translations done by a sworn Catalan translator are perfectly valid.
The problem is that sworn translators in Spain are sworn translators from Spanish into other languages and from other languages into Spanish. So, if you have a certificate of secundary compulsory education in valencian language (for example), and you need a sworn translation into German, you will need to do a sworn translation of valencian (by a sworn translator from Catalan) into Spanish first, and then another sworn translation from Spanish into German, (this is called cross-translation), which is perfectly valid but means a certain cost, because two translations (often by two different translators) have to be performed; it may not seem very logical but this is how it is... These situations happen recently because there are more schools and institutions that deliver their certificates exclusively in Valencian. We recommend that you (if possible and as long as there is no alternative to the procedure described) apply at the center for a degree (or whatever certificate you need) in Spanish directly and this will save you trouble, time and money.
Are you looking for a translator from Valencian to English or from English to Valencian?

Quick and economical. We can have your translation finished in 24 hours.
We provide the best translators from Valencian to English (and to any other language) at the most competitive prices. And of course from English (or any other language) to Valenciano.
Sworn translators in Valencia. From any language to Spanish and from Spanish to any other language. We can translate your University Degree, Diploma or any other Certificate, Contract, Legal Act or Document, Invoices, Family Registers or Birth Certificates, etc. All sworn translations are signed, sealed and certified by an official translator appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.
Of course, we offer other types of translations, such as: commercial translations, legal translations, technicaltranslations, website translations, software localization, etc.. We also offer an urgent translation service in Valencia.
Plaza Músico Albéniz, 3
46010 Valencia
Tel: +34 963 517 917 / +34 639 635 587